Tuesday, September 8, 2009

apthous ulcers/glossitis

a very frequently occurring common problem causing much distress to the patient with little known about it .

vit b complex given commonly but without any scientific basis
also steroids local and systemic ,the latter being beneficial.

please share your experience about this problem with special reference to its etiology and treatment and prevention.

Friday, September 4, 2009

unusual lymphocytosis

A young male was diagnosed to have ank spond 2 m ago and was started on low dose steroids and salazopyrin. After 15 days of this he got fever with mild hepatosplenomegaly, which was treated with cefixime for 14 days after typhidot was positive for enteric .Despite this fever persisted and he was given some other antibiotics .Steroids and ssz were stopped. He then developed a diffuse erythematous rash with throat pain and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy. Tlc was 30,000 with 60% lymphocytes . Sap was 550, sgot/sgpt 200/150 and 50 pus cells/hpf in the urine .He has been started on hydrocortisone and meropenam and seems to be responding

do you think he has a drug hypersensitivity reaction superimposed on an infection in an i/c patient
or something else

How common is lymphocytosis in a drug reaction?

What is the cause of pyuria?